Ways To Reduce The Risk Of Deadly Motorcycle Accidents

Jay Trucks & Associates, PC

Recently in Bay County, four motorcycle riders were hospitalized after two separate accidents on Interstate 75. A fuel spill resulted in an accident. Unfortunately, the motorcyclists in this accident were not wearing helmets. Because there was a drone flying in the area, medical helicopters were delayed in arriving at the scene of the accident. As a result of this accident, traffic backed-up and led to a group of motorcyclists experiencing another accident. One motorcycle rider rear-ended another motorcycle that was carrying two passengers.

One of the passengers was taken to a nearby medical center by helicopter while the driver and another passenger were taken by ambulance to the hospital. None of these riders were wearing helmets, either, possibly because of an April 2012 law that allows most riders to select whether they want to wear a helmet. As a result of tis law, Michigan State Police currently estimate that  motorcycle helmet use has decreased from 100% in 2006 to 71% in 2017.

If you ride a motorycle, it is important to keep the following safety tips in mind:

Make Sure You are Visible to Other Drivers

A large number of motorcycle accidents occur because the car’s driver claims he or she was unable to see the motorcyclist. It is critical that motorcyclists take all of the necessary steps to make sure that they can be noticed by other  drivers. This means that you should consider wearing bright clothing and using high beams while operating a motorcycle.

Avoid Congested Areas

It is much safer to travel on freeways and other open roads than it is to travel on surface streets or areas surrounding malls. You should carefully plan your route before jumping on your motorcycle to make sure that you travel on the safest roads possible. It is always a better idea to take a slightly longer period of time if you know you are safer than it is to travel on more dangerous roads that let you arrive at your destination slightly earlier.

Watch Out for Dangerous Turns

You should make sure to keep your eyes on any vehicles that are positioned in locations where they likely could violate your right of way. If you just assume that the other driver has seen you, there is still a substantial risk that you can end up in a deadly accident.

Understand the Danger of Loud Exhausts

Loud motorcycle exhausts are not safer because other vehicle drivers often must be close enough to be in your path before the exhaust can be heard. You also run the risk that a driver will be so alarmed that he or she will end up directly in your path. There is also a risk that loud exhausts will aggravated surrounding drivers, which can lead to cases of road rage. You should think twice before using a loud exhaust on your motorcycle.

If you or a loved one is involved in a motorcycle accident and another party is responsible, you should not hesitate to contact an experienced accident attorney at Jay Trucks PLC. From start to finish, our Flint personal injury lawyers understand just how life-changing these accidents can be and will remain committed to fighting for the compensation you deserve.
